Services All
* Certified Accredited Prepare Enrich India Facilitator - 2016* EQ Assesser Certification - 2016
* EQ Profiler Certification - 2016
* EQ Fellow Certification - 2016
* FDP on Universal Humans Values and Professional Ethics (Level-I) - 2018
* Awarded as India?s Best Marriage & Family Counsellor by INDIA HEALTHCARE AWARDS 2018
* Awarded as Best Relationship Counselor for Family & Marriage in India by India Healthcare Excellence Awards - 2018
* Social Impact Award (2018-2019) for Exemplary Work in the field of Women Empowerment - Marriage Counselling and Motivational speaking. - 2018
* Certified Training Course of Marriage and Family Therapy (NIMHANS) Bangalore - 2006
* Women of Eminence Award - 2019
* Delh?i Ps?y?ch?iatric S?ociety? (DPS?) N??ew? Delh?i* Ind?ia?n A?s?s?ocia?tion of Fa?m??il?y? Th?er?a?py? (IA?FT) Ind?ia?
* In?dian? C?oun?c?il? of As?trol?ogic?al? S?c?ie?n?c?e?s? (IC?AS?) C?h?e?n?n?ai
* Head?i?ngt?on I?nst?i?t?ut?e?s CARD? D?i?rect?ory (Counsell?ors Assi?st?i?ng Rel?i?ef and? D?evel?opm??ent?) Cal?i?forni?a
* Delhi Medical Association (DMA)
* Indian Psychiatric Society