Dr. Divya Nallur completed her basic medical training in the prestigious Bangalore medical college. She moved to the UK in 2001 to obtain her basic and specialist psychiatric training. She acquired the prestigious mrcpsych title in 2005. She also obtained an MSc in psychiatry from Cardiff university. She went on to the specialist psychiatric training and achieved cct (completion of the certificate of training) in general adult psychiatry with an endorsement in addictions. During her specialist training, she also got a post-graduate diploma in cognitive behavioral therapy from the Birmingham university. She later worked as a consultant psychiatrist in the UK for 6 years. She was the lead show more
clinician for a mental health/ substance misuse team in wales for 5 years and led the substance misuse team in Nottinghamshire for a year before returning to India. She worked as an associate professor of psychiatry at the international medical school, management and science university (Malaysian medical council) and taught core psychiatric curriculum for year 4 medical students on clinical placement at the Bangalore baptist hospital. Her strength lies in her approach to all mental health problems with a balanced biological (pharmacological), psychological and social approach. She now works at people tree maarga as the medical director, senior consultant psychiatrist and addictions specialist. show less